Amazon DynamoDB (RCU & WCU)

Read Write Capacity Modes

to control the tables capacity we have 2 methods

Provisioned Mode

You specify the number of reads / writes per second
need to plan capacity beforehand
Pay for provisioned read and write capacity units

On demand Mode

Read and write automatically scale up/down with your workloads
No capacity planning needed
pay for what you see, more expensive

you can switch between different modes once every 24 hr

Table must have provisioned read and write capacity units

read capacity units (RCU) quantity for reads
write capacity units (WCU) quantity for writes
option to setup auto-scaling of throughput to meet demand

quantity can be exceeded temporarily using “Burst capacity”

if burst capacity has been consumed you’ll get a “ProvisionedThroughputExceedException”

DynamoDB Write capacity units

one write unit (WCU) represents one write per second for an item up to 1kb in size

if the items are larger than 1 KB more WCU are consumed

all the KB decimal is rounded to up

Strongly consistent read vs eventually consistent read

Eventually Consistent read (by default)
if we read just after a write its possible we’ll get some no consistent data because of replication

Strongly Consistent read

if we read just after write we will get correct data

set consistendRead parameter to true in api calls(getitem, batchGetItem,Query,scan)

consumes twice the RCU

DynamoDB Read Capacity Units(RCU)

One read capacity unit(RCU) represents one Strongly Consistent Read per second or two Eventually Consistent Reads per seconds
for an item up to 4 KB in size

if the items are larger than 4 KB, more RCUs are consumed

Amazon DynamoDB partitions internal

if you have 10 partition and 10 WCU and 10 RCU you have to 1 RCU and 1 WCU per partition

DynamoDB Error

If we exceed provisioned RCU or WCU we get “ProvisionedThrougputExceedException”


Hot key one partition key is being read too many times
hot partitions
Very large items, RCU and WCU depended on size of items


Exponential back off when exception is encountered (already in SDK)
Distribute partition keys as much as possible
if RCU issue we can use DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

R/W Capacity modes – On-Demand

Read and write automatically scale up/down with your workloads
no capacity planing needed (WCU and RCU )
unlimited WCU and RCU no error, more expensive
you are charged for reads and writes that you use in terms of RRU and WRU

Read request Units (RRU) quantity for reads same as RCU
write request units (WRU) quantity for writes same as WCU

2.5 more expensive than provisioned capacity
use cases unknown workloads unpredictable application traffic

Example of RCU and WCU

To change the RCU and WCU you have to click on Additional settings then click on edit on Read/write capacity

you can test the read and write calculator

here we can edit the RCU and the WCU

if we select on demand we can select max read request and max write







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