Author: julioVM
Amazon DynamoDB Basic Apis
Amazon DynamoDB Basic Apis Writing Data Amazon DynamoDB Basic Apis Reading Data 1 GetItem Reading Data (Query) 2. Returns: 3. Abaility to do pagination on the results 4. can query table a local secondary index or a Global Secondary index Reading Data (Scan) Deleting Data Batch operations PartiQL Example of update and delete , query…
Amazon DynamoDB (RCU & WCU)
Read Write Capacity Modes to control the tables capacity we have 2 methods Provisioned Mode You specify the number of reads / writes per secondneed to plan capacity beforehandPay for provisioned read and write capacity units On demand Mode Read and write automatically scale up/down with your workloadsNo capacity planning neededpay for what you see,…
Amazon Database
Amazon Dynamo DB Traditional databasesVertical Scaling (getting a more powerful CPU / RAM /IO) Horizontal Scaling (increasing reading capability by adding EC2/ RDS)g NoSQL databases we have Mongo DB and Amazon Dynamo DB and No query joins all the data that we needed is present in one row no aggregation such a SUM AVG databases…
AWS Backup
AWS Backup fully managed servicecentrally manage and automate backups across AWS servicesno need to create custom scripts and manual processes supported services AWS Backup vault lock enforce worm write once read manystate for all the backups that you store in your AWS backup vault additional layer defense to protect backups against inadvertent or malicious delete…
Amazon EFS
Elastic file system (Amazon EFS) Managed NFS (Network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2 EFC works with EC2 instances in multi-AZ Highly available scalable expensive (tree time the cost of gp2 ebs volume) pay per use Uses cases : WordPress content management , web serving, data sharing uses NFSv4.1 protocol implement security…
Amazon EBS
Amazon Elastic block store (Amazon EBS) Is a network drive you can attach to your instance while they run your instances persists data even after their termination they can only be mounted to one instance at time they are tied to a specific availability zone free tier 30 gb of free ebs storage of type…
Amazon S3 – Object Encryption
you can encrypt in 4 method Client-side Encryption we don’t have access to this key Encryption using a key handled managed and own by AWS object is encrypted server-side AES-256 is the encryption type must set header “x-amz-server-side-encryption”:”AES256″ Enabled by default for new buckets & new objects Example: When we create a bucket we can…
Amazon S3 Event Notification
The events could be S3 object : removed , created, restore, replication object name filtering possible (*.txt) s3 deliver events in seconds but sometimes take a minutes you can send to sns sqs or lambda we need AI Permissions for : SNS policy SQS resource access policy lambda function Amazon event bridge rules you can…
Amazon S3 – Lifecycle Rules
you can transition objects between storage classes expedition action – configure objects to expire Example of lifecycle Click Management tab then click Create lifecycle rule button Check to the first 4 checkbox to get the Lifecycle rules S3 Standard General purpose 99.99% Availabilityused for frequently accessed datalow latency and high throughputsustain 2 concurrent facility failures…
Amazon S3 Replication
For Amazon S3 replication we have 2 types: CRR Cross Region Replication (CRR) SRR Same Region Replication buckets can be in different AWS accounts uses case : CRR compliance lower latency access replication across accounts SRR log aggregation , live replication between production and test accounts only new object are replicated replicate existing object using…