Amazon S3 Replication

For Amazon S3 replication we have 2 types:

CRR Cross Region Replication (CRR)

SRR Same Region Replication

buckets can be in different AWS accounts

uses case :

CRR compliance lower latency access replication across accounts

SRR log aggregation , live replication between production and test accounts

only new object are replicated

replicate existing object using S3 batch replication

Example of Amazon S3 replication :

We create 2 buckets : mibucketreplication and mibucketsource

Click on management to see replication rules

Click on Create replication rule, put name of the rule , and for this example we choose the rule scope for all the objects

must enabled versioning in source and destination

copying is asynchronous must give proper IAM permission to s3

Click on Browse S3 to choose the bucket replication

Choose the bucket replication and click on Choose Path

Click Save

upload a file on the bucket source

choose a file and click on upload

Then we change to other replication bucket to see if the file is replicated


for delete operations :

can replicate delete markers from source to target
deletions with a version ID are not replicated

there is no chaining of replication

here we can see the deletion mark

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