Amazon S3 – Lifecycle Rules

you can transition objects between storage classes

expedition action – configure objects to expire

  • log files can be delete after 1 year
  • delete old version files
  • delete incomplete multipart uploads Rule can be created for a certain prefix or objects tag

Example of lifecycle

Click Management tab then click Create lifecycle rule button

Check to the first 4 checkbox to get the Lifecycle rules

S3 Standard General purpose

99.99% Availability
used for frequently accessed data
low latency and high throughput
sustain 2 concurrent facility failures

Uses case
big data mobile & gaming applications, content distribution

Amazon S3 Standard-infrequent Access

for data that is less frequently accessed but requires rapid access
lower cost than Standard
99.9% availability
uses : disaster recovery , backups

Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access

High durability (99.999999%) in a single Az
99.5% availability
uses : store secondary backup copies of on premise data, or data you can recreate

Amazon S3 Glacier

Low cost for archiving / backup
Pricing: price for storage + object retrieval cost

Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval

Millisecond retrieval, great for data accessed once a quarter
Minimum storage duration of 90 days

Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible retrieval

expedited(1 to 5 min) standard 3 to 5 hrs bulk (5 to 12 hours)- free
min store duration 90 days

Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive

standard (12 hours), bulk (48 hrs)
min storage duration 180 days

Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

small monthly monitoring and Tiering fee
moves objects automatically
there are no retrieval charges in s3 intelligent Tiering

Select the days that you want to go between class

after 90 days send the files nocurrent to Glacier Deep Archive

Delete after 700 days








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