Amazon EBS

Amazon Elastic block store (Amazon EBS)

Is a network drive you can attach to your instance while they run

your instances persists data even after their termination

they can only be mounted to one instance at time

they are tied to a specific availability zone

free tier 30 gb of free ebs storage of type general propose(ssd) or magnetic per month

it’s a network drive (not physical drive)

it uses the network to communicate the instance which means there might be a bit of latency

you can attached to another EC2 instance when you detached from the current instance

it’s locked to an Availability Zone

to move a volume across you first need to snapshot it

have a provisioned capacity(size in GBs, and IOPS in out operation)

you get billed for all the provisioned capacity

you can increase the capacity of the drive over time

  • Ebs Delete on termination attribute by default the root EBS volume is deleted(attribute enabled) by default, any other attached EBS volume is not deleted ( attribute disabled ) this can be controlled by the AWS console/ AWS CLI

you don’t have to detach a volume or restart your instance to change it

just go to actions / modify volume from the console

Increase volume size (not decrease)

Change volume type

GP2 -> GP3

specify desired IOPS or throughput performance (or it will guess)

adjust performance (increase or decrease)

how to add a Elastic block Store (Amazon EBS)

go to Instance EC2 on AWS , create a instance with default options.

go to Storage section of your instance EC2. click on one of your volumes ID

a Volumes windows will appear , click on create volume

select the same availability zone of your instance. then click on create volume

finally we can attach the volume to our instance, go to Action option and select Attach volume

Select your instance , and click on Attach Volume







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