Amazon Database

Amazon Dynamo DB

Traditional databases
Vertical Scaling (getting a more powerful CPU / RAM /IO)

Horizontal Scaling (increasing reading capability by adding EC2/ RDS)g

NoSQL databases

we have Mongo DB and Amazon Dynamo DB

and No query joins

all the data that we needed is present in one row

no aggregation such a SUM AVG

databases scale horizontally

Amazon Dynamo DB

fully manged, highly available with replication across multiple AZs
is a nosql database
scales to massive workloads, distributed database
millions of request per seconds, trillions of row, 100s of TB of storage
fast and consistent in performance (low latency on retrieval)
integrated with IAM for security for security , authorization and administration
Enables event driven programming with DynamoDB Streams
Low cost and auto-scaling capabilities
Standard & infrequent Access (IA) Table Class

DynamoDB basis

DynamoDB is made of tables
each table has primary key
all table can have an infinite number of items
each item of row has attributes can be added over time can be null
maximum size of an item is 400kb
data types supported
scalar types String number binary boolean null
document types – list , map
set types string set, number set, binary set

Primary keys

Option I : Partition Key

Partition key must be unique for each item

Partition key must be diverse so that the data is distributed

Option 2 partition key + sort key

the combination must be unique for each item
data is grouped by partition key


here we create 2 tables player and equipofutbol

we put the name on the form

choose customize settings and standard table class

choose provisioned

we can see the created table

we insert one item

we can see our items

click create item

add attributes and create item

we can see our items that we create

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